A little bit about these guys & girls.

So.. the kitten is the princess we saw at the pound and knew we just had to get her. We had been trying to find a kitten for months because David's roommate had moved out and took her cat with her so David and his roommate felt that they needed a cat again, and I was happy to help look. After checking the pounds for a few weeks straight, we finally got this adorable little torbie kitten, born March 15, 2010 and her name is Foxy Roxy... yeah I know.. She's already spoiled so much, but she just wanted to be loved :]

Next is our obnoxious, playful, insane psycho doberman, named Dokie. I love him so much, but he still thinks he's a puppy and runs up to you and jumps on you like any other dog, but he still thinks he's a tiny lap dog, weighing in at almost 70 pounds at less than a year old.. He's had to have a cone on more often than not for his clumsy accidents and yes, he uses his cone as a weapon. His diet consists of: leftover, socks, gladware, pillows, and dog beds, while he has his dinner as a snack. He's still a puppy, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. I may not be his favorite human, but he seems to really love David. I can understand that.

Lastly, my loyal and trustworthy puppy princess. Okay, so maybe 2 years old is a bit old for a puppy, but Shokou is by far the most docile Akita we've had and she's loyal to the family [and David] and she makes my day better whenever I'm sad or upset. After she got over her terrible 2 puppy phase, she turned into the princess every family wishes they could have. She's not a begger, actually understands sit, lay down, and stay, and plays when you want her to. She's my little baby girl :]